SailingBoating & Water SportsBoating & Water SportsMarinaWater Sports
Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM; June - September Saturdays 8:00 AM - noon; and by appointment
Driving Directions:
Right off route 28 in South Orleans...stop by!
About Us
At Arey's Pond Boat Yard, we are dedicated to building beautifully crafted vessels in keeping with Cape Cod's proud heritage of fine boat building. We are also committed to being a small, neighborhood boat yard that meets the needs of the local sailing community. In addition to boat building, we are a full service marine center offering moorings, indoor and outdoor winter storage, an onsite mechanic, a marine canvas shop, a sail loft, marine carpentry, a paint and varnish shop and metal fabrication. Contact us for any of your boating needs.
It is our goal to deliver first class service to our customers while providing a supportive, rewarding work environment for our employees.