Theater and Performing ArtsActivities & AttractionsRainy Day Activities
Box Office hours are 10am-2pm Tues. - Sat. and two hours before showtimes.
Driving Directions:
From Orleans town line head west toward Brewster along Rt. 6A for 1.6 miles. You will pass Nickerson State Park on your left. Cape Rep is just ahead on your right, 3299 Main Street.
About Us
Professional theater in an intimate setting. Producing everything from new work and classic musicals to outdoor children's shows. Come Find us.
Artists who wanted to develop a company dedicated to creativity and professionalism founded Cape Rep Theatre in 1986 and have worked hard to choose plays and musicals that continually challenge the artists who work here. We have two theatres on 7 acres of land in Nickerson State Park in Brewster: a 135 seat Indoor Theater and Cape Cod’s only Outdoor Theatre, a 200 seat beauty. We produce a 5 play Indoor Theater season from May through December. During the summer, we use the Outdoor Theater for daytime children’s shows and in the evening, we produce more mature fare under the stars. We make a deliberate choice to bring in artists from outside our community to keep our vision broad, our company connected to the wider world and our productions as professional and creative as possible. We want to work with the best theater we can find. Often our choices are works that may not ordinarily be produced because we try not to let size of cast, degree of difficulty (or relative obscurity!) step in the way of choosing a show. And, most important, we have and will continue to produce new work. To all playwrights out there: we love producing new work!