Organizations and Non-ProfitsEmployment
8:00am to 4:00pm Monday thru Friday
About Us
Recruiting Services
Job Postings: Post your job opening with us at no charge.
Job Matching: Receive assistance finding the right candidate to meet your needs.
Pre-screening: We can pre-screen the candidates to narrow the selection down.
Customized Hiring Events: Save time and money by interviewing multiple job candidates at one time in one place at no charge. Use one of the career center's interview rooms or virtual software platforms at no charge to hold your own hiring event.
Industry Briefings: Join with others in your industry to present to a local audience of job seekers, the most current information on your industry, i.e. labor requirements, growth opportunities, salary ranges, education/certification needed for positions, etc.
Information Sessions: Present information about your company and the job opportunities offered, along with other pertinent information to a local audience.
Job Fairs: Participate in a virtual or in-person job fair at MassHire Career Center. There is a no charge to participate.
Self-Assisted Services: Using your computer, you can: enter your job order on to Job Quest for Employers, which reaches Massachusetts job seekers; access Labor Market Information and/or Information on Unemployment Insurance.