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Orleans Yacht Club, Inc

Orleans Yacht Club, Inc

SailingActivities & AttractionsOrganizations and Non-ProfitsWater Sports

About Us

The Orleans Yacht Club, Inc., located on the western end of Town Cove, was established 1947 as a 501c7 not-for-profit organization for ''the purpose of encouraging yacht building, sailing, promoting interest in yachting and aquatic sports, as well as social interaction among its members.'' It lives up to those goals today by offering a popular youth summer sailing program, hosting the Nauset Regional H.S. Sailing Team each spring, supporting the DaySailer Association Fleet 15 Sunday racing program, as well as offering an extensive variety of social activities and events all year round which are enthusiastically participated in by the membership. There are four categories of membership: Senior, Emeritus, Corinthian, and Life. Along with a small year-round staff, the Club heavily relies on the membership to volunteer their time and expertise to fill its leadership positions & various committees such as grounds & marine maintenance, social event organization, etc. - all of which give members a great sense of ownership and pride in ''their'' Club.

The OYC also has an affiliated 501c3 charitable organization known as The Robert Radtke Memorial Fund, Inc. The ''Radtke Fund'' was established in 1989 in memory of Robert Radtke, a very active sailing member of the OYC. This charity provides up to 32 weeks of scholarships annually to Nauset Regional School System students, in need of financial assistance, to participate in the OYC's Junior Sailing Program.


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